
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer Break

Hi friends,
I will be off my blog for about a month taking a summer break. It's time for me to get some rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation!

I hope you are having some fun this summer.
Happy decorating & living,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sweet Jewelry Stand

Hi friends,
I hope your week is going well. The heat has returned to the Raleigh, North Carolina, USA area. It was even too hot to go to the pool today- can you imagine? Too hot to go to the pool! I took the kids to a cheap kids' movie then we played at home with lots of cool air conditioning blowing in the house.

I wanted to share a real find that I found a few weeks ago when I was in Fairfax, Virginia visiting my folks. I just happened to find this two tiered stand on the sale table of a local boutique just miles from my parent's house. I thought I could use it display jewerly. Let's see, what else do you think it could be used for? It was less than $20. Steal!

What do you think it could be used for?
Happy decorating & living,

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bedroom Fireplace?

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. I hope you had a good weekend.

While my husband and I snuck away recently to Pinehurst we stumbled across an antique store that was selling old rustic fireplaces with mantles. My husband's creative gears started going. He wants to add a rustic fireplace to our bedroom. It would be non-working of course. We definitely have the space for it. Our bedroom is quite large and we're having a time at figuring how to fill it. If it was really big I'd go for a sitting area with two chairs but it's not that big- we have one comfortable chair in there with an ottoman and small round table.

Here's the last posting I did on our bedroom last year:

I will be adding curtains soon which will definitely add to the room- I've been saving up Pottery Barn gift cards (those curtains aren't cheap!).  I am also looking for two round mirrors to flank our bed similar to the round mirror in the picture below.

Here are some inspiration fireplace in bedroom pictures to think about (of course, they are working fireplaces which we won't have):

I am warming up to the idea of a fireplace in our room with a mantle. The thing that's holding me back is how permanent it will be. But my husband is super excited about the idea and he usually has great ideas. So what the heck! Let's do it!

Happy decorating & living,

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hooked on Seahorses

Hi friends,
When I returned from my two weeks visiting my parents in Virginia recently my sweet husband had a little gift bag for me. That's really awesome, isn't it? I guess he knew how tough the visit was and wanted to let me know he was thinking about me. Anyway, one of the items that he got me was 3 metal seahorse hooks. He knows that I have a thing for seahorses right now.

I was inspired to hang them on the wall in our bedroom. I remember house crashing my neighbor and friend, Allison's house, last fall. She had some cool hooks on her bedroom wall that I thought was a really cool idea. I cannot express how much I love Allison's style! You can revisit Allison's house here:

Isn't her house and style amazing? She should be a designer!

Okay, back to my being hooked on seahorses. My husband bought the 3 metal seahorse hooks at our local flea market from a man who makes them. Right now, I have a straw bag, bead necklace that a good friend made for me, and a straw hat hanging on them. I could see 'spicing it up' and swapping out what I have hanging on the hooks periodically.

Oh look, Millie the cat, is hanging out with me today. She's definitely 'my cat' and she missed me a lot during the past two weeks. She won't let me out of her sight!

Thanks for joining me today. I hope you're having a great week.
Happy decorating & living,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mod Podge Artwork

Hi friends,
Yesterday I teased you by sharing that I recently created a craft project for myself out of these products:

-Coastal Blue & Green Paper Placemats (purchased in Pinehurst, NC this weekend)
-Mod Podge
-sponge brushes
-two 12 X 12 artist canvases
-two 6 X 6 artist canvases
-two images from the internet printed on my computer (octopus and seahorse)

Well, I've been at it again, adding to my favorite space in our whole house, my home office. See if you can spot the 4 new pieces of artwork that I made today:

Did you find the 4 framed coastal creatures that I added to each side of the large window in my home office?

Thanks so much for joining me today friends. I hope you're having a terrific week. I've been full time mommy this week with our two kids: no summer camp, no school, just us three musketeers this week and next! I'll share some of what we're been up to in a blog soon.

Happy decorating & living,