
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Spicing up that Sassy Girl's Room

Hi friends,
I hope you're having a great weekend! Here's a little peek into my daughter Bryce's room. She's a 6 year old who has been asking for months when we are going to 'spice up' her room. Well, we are tackling other projects right now, but we did temporarily 'spice up' her room recently. We added three inexpensive paper lanterns that light up softly at night and vintage Barbie pictures from an old calendar to frames we already had. Hold on honey, we will really 'spice up' your room soon, we promise. See what you think about her room currently:

Here's Bryce's room as of last July:

Her closet is insane:

Dear Friends,
On a more serious note, I need your prayers. My mom is having surgery on Monday, June 25, and she needs your prayers. If you are a praying person, please pray for Deborah and her upcoming surgery. My mom is a very special person in my life and I truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I believe in the power of uplifting each other in prayers.

Here is my mom, daughter, and I before we saw the muscial Mary Poppins

Here's a prayer I came across:
“God the Father, have mercy on Deborah. God the Son, have mercy on Deborah. God the Holy Spirit, grant Deborah peace. Bless Deborah, Your beloved child, as she enters surgery, so that, no matter what happens, she is secure in Your love. Comfort all who wait for news of Deborah’s surgery, and remind them they are not alone in You. Amen.”

I welcome you to share your needs for prayer with me and I would be honored to add you to my prayer list.
Thank you and God Bless YOU-

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