
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Freshening Up the Photos

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. How was your weekend?

Greetings from Columbia, South Carolina, where I am working this week. I am an educational consultant and I specialize in coaching elementary school teachers around the subject of mathematics. I teach courses and workshops as well also centered on what we know about how students learn mathematics best with real understanding.

I wanted to share with you some spicing it up that I did in our living room up over the weekend. I replaced three of our black and white photos in our living room. After adding the new photos I quickly realized that without meaning to do it, our family photo wall now has a theme. Most of the photos were taken at the beach with the exception of the few professional sitting shots. I didn't mean to do this but I guess it makes sense. I love the beach! My family spends a lot of time at the beach and some of our happiest memories are there. I love walking by our family photo wall and stopping for a minute to look at our pictures. It makes me smile!

Here are the 3 new photos:

Brayden, age 2 (I love his smile!)-

Bryce, age 5 (I love this sassy picture just like my girl!)-

Brayden, age 1 (You can't tell but the colors in this photo were great, lime green chair, bright green shirt, and blue shorts, he was a little chunkster in this one)-

Here are some of our older beach photos:

Steve & Bryce last spring-


Bryce & Brayden last spring-

The Brew Crew last spring-

Bryce, age 2 (when we were a family of 3)(this one doesn't belong with the others because it's sepia tone, I need to get a copy made in black and white soon)-

Here are some of our other photos on our family photo wall:

Steve as a baby-

Me as a toddler (I love this frame that I found in a shabby chic kind of store with a print in it)-

I hope you have a great week this week. I am having a wonderful time with some awesome educators and colleagues in South Carolina.

I can't wait to get home because my husband is at it again painting up a storm. We chose a bright fun green to paint the kids' bathroom. He just called me to share that it's painted and it's "bold". I can't wait to see it! If you can't have fun in the kids' bathroom with paint color, where can you have fun I ask you? I'll take some pictures of it to share with you when I get home later in the week.

Happy decorating & living,

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