
Friday, March 2, 2012

Master Bedroom Decorating Plans

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. I hope that you have an awesome weekend! Any special plans? We have a pretty standard weekend planned over here.

Okay, on to decorating.
We started off with a bang decorating our bedroom this summer and then lately we've just fizzled. The decorating ideas are still there, don't get me wrong. But, maybe it's life (like jobs, kids, pets....) that has gotten in the way or the fact that every idea I have takes money, money, money. I'd love to share with you what my dreams are for our bedroom.

Here's what we started with:

The size of our new bedroom is soooo wonderful because our last bedroom (though very sweet) was tiny, tiny, tiny. Even though it was super tiny we did spice it up and change how the furniture was arranged:

Well, back to our current bedroom. Our first purchase for our new room was a new bed. A brand new king size bed. Anyone who has a child or two or three will totally understand the need for a king size bed. There's nothing worse (for me at least and my husband too) to have a little kid or two crawling into your bed in the middle of the night and getting all hot, sweaty, and cramped in your bed so that you cannot sleep. Sleep is very important to me! I like my sleep! Hence the need for a bigger bed.

So, after purchasing the new big bed I created a design plan for our bedroom:

Our next purchase after the bed was the headboard and bedding. I covered an old ottoman with one of my favorite fabrics. My husband then painted the room Shark's Loop from Valspar (it's a blueish gray). Next I scored the small rattan circular table at the local Goodwill for about twenty bucks. Then we took down the cheap blinds which were already in the room and added inexpensive bamboo shades for texture. For Christmas I used a gift card to purchase these curtains, but they quickly got returned because they did NOT work at all (the blue was more of a navy and was not in harmony with the rest of the room):

So, here we are. This is what our room currently looks like:

Wanna hear my ideas for the rest of the room?
Here we go:
  1. Purchase curtains.
  2. Talk my husband into letting me (really him) take down the hideous hugemonous (is that a word?) ugly bronze ceiling fan/light that we never use and replace it with a lovely chandelier.
  3. Find a cool long linen bench to place at the end of the bed.
  4. Find some more artwork for the room besides the three framed beach notecards above the bed and the shell mirror I made on the dresser.
Here are the curtains I am considering now. They're a Porcelain Blue and I think they'll look great.:

Here's a bench that I think is pretty:

Here is a coral chandelier that looks interesting:

I plan on looking for some interesting artwork on some upcoming vacations we have planned. Then we're done! Whewie! And on to the next room.....Stay with me this summer and I'll share our updates to our bedroom.

Thanks for joining me today. :)
I hope you have a great day and weekend-

Happy decorating & living,


  1. Hi there! Im a new reader (saw your comment on Bower Power) and I absolutely LOVE your blog style! Very cute!

    Your newest follower,

  2. Hi Meghan...I owe you an email soon and just want to say YES!!!!!! Go with those great beautiful!!! And I love that bench best of all. You absolutely must have!!!! Let the cost be damned...ha-ha!

    Have a great weekend and I will send an email to you sometime next week.

    I am on Jury Duty for the month of March and the month of April......50 miles each way worth of driving. YIKES!


  3. I love your choice of curtains too! Your bedroom looks so calm - the blue is tempting me the paint my walls too. That will be my mid year hols goal I think.


    PS, I don't want to have to select the 'anonymous' profile, but it is the one that works for me. Any idea why?

  4. Thanks Samm! I left you a message on your blog. Have a great weekend-

    Jx-Thanks for your email. You can't go wrong with blue! That's my philosophy anyway. I don't know why my blog is making you chose 'anonymous'. Sorry about that. Have a great weekend- Megan

    Barb-Sounds like the curtains are a go! :) Good luck with Jury Duty! Enjoy your weekend. Raining cats and dogs here now. Megan
