
Monday, March 5, 2012

This Year's Decorating Goals

Hi friends,
Greetings from Columbia, South Carolina, where I am working this week. I talked to my husband on the phone earlier today and heard that our little guy bumped his head pretty hard at the playground this afternoon. He said there was a lot of blood! The mommy guilt is kicking in strongly right now. I wanted to jump in the car and drive home to give him a hug and a kiss from mommy. But, my husband told me not to, that all is alright and he has things under control which I am sure he does. But, still, there's something about momma's love.

Last week I shared with you the decorating projects that we've tackled in our new home that we've been in over the past year. You can read about it here if you missed it:

Today I wanted to share what on our decorating "to do" list.

What we still want to do:

*Add pendant lights over the bar in the kitchen

*Replace huge bronze ceiling fan in master bedroom with beautiful light (here's the one I am thinking about:

*Put up daughter's purple chandelier (we better do this ASAP because she's not going to want it much longer

*Paint upstairs hallway

*Paint kids' bathroom (Hubby did this yesterday! Can't wait to get home and see it! He said, "Be prepared for a bold color!")

*Paint my home office

*Paint guest room

*Redo daughter's bedroom

*Redo son's bedroom

*Backyard landscaping (Steve has many, many terrific ideas)

*Work on Steve's home office

*Replace porch lights

What we may do in the future (not sure yet):
  • Put french doors in the eat-in kitchen leading out to the deck
  • Add stone patio to backyard
  • Paint kitchen cabinets (that seems too scary)
  • Replace boring white garage doors with more interesting ones
  • Purchase outdoors sectional sofa for screened-in porch

Whewie! Those are some lists! It'll be fun to see what we do.
Happy decorating & living,

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