
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Disappearing Act

Hi friends,
Thanks so much for joining me today. Maybe you've noticed that there haven't been any recent posts from me and were wondering if I fell off the face of the Earth? Maybe like Sandra Bullock in the movie Gravity that I plan on seeing this weekend. Doesn't it look amazingly scary? Well, no, I'm not adrift lost and alone in space, more like losing my mind! (More about that a little later!)

I joined the full time working mom world again after a brief hiatus of about two years spent dabbling in the part time work world. The lure of interesting and engaging work plus a steady paycheck coming calling my name and I couldn't resist. Needless to say, I'm overwhelmed and exhausted (in a good way, I think) but have had to set aside some of my favorite things to do like blogging, decorating, etc to get my work done. I'm hoping that as I settle into my new routine I'll find more time for my side projects.

Some new blog postings I plan on working on real soon and posting are:

*Happy Halloween (yes, I'm the crazy lady on your street who has three boxes of Halloween decorations in my attic)

*Spicing Up A Room in Our House

*My Home Office Update

I've missed you friends and am promising myself to find some balance in my life and spend a little time with you. I also want to update my fall reading book list with you and hear what you're reading this fall.

Be well and happy decorating,


  1. Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us! :) Congratulations on full-time work! Can't wait to hear more about it.

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