
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Almost an Update

Hi friends,
Thanks so much for joining me. This weekend I'm home with my husband in our bizarrely quiet home as our rascal kids are staying with his wonderful momma about 3 hours away from us. I haven't seen my children in a week! This is their fall break as they attend a year round school which means you go to school 9 weeks then you have a break for 3 weeks. Therefore, no long summer breaks for them, their breaks are spread out throughout the year. It actually makes a lot of sense academically- they don't have a long break in the summer to regress which actually does happen.

Anyhoo, my husband and I have a quiet house and are celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary this weekend. He just cooked lobster, filet mignon, baked garlic, yummy bread, a coucous dish with shrimp, a strawberry/goat cheese/walnut salad, and a delicious wine for me. Yes! I am sooo blessed! Not to mention I spent the entire day doing whatever I want which included waking up when I wanted (8am) and using: a nail gun, a staple gun, a glue gun, a sewing machine, a needle and thread, and a paint brush. I CANNOT wait to reveal to you what I spent my day on....but I can't reveal just quite yet but I will soon.

Tomorrow after church I am headed out of town for business but I'll be back home real soon and share what madness I've been up to. :)

Thanks for coming along for the journey with me.
Happy decorating,

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