
Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Fourth!

Hi Friends,
Yes, I am the crazy lady on the street who decorates too early for the holidays. You probably drive by, see my house, and mumble something under your breath like, "Really?" Okay, it's true.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter....I decorate too early every year because I am just that excited. Then I can't wait to take the decorations down by the actual holiday because I'm tired of them. I'm crazy. I know. 

Honestly, Memorial Day and July 4th don't get too much attention over here. But lately we bought a few cheap decorations and repurposed some old stuff in a new way. I thought why not? In my defense, I have relatives visiting this weekend and staying with us so I wanted to dress up the house a little and make it feel a little special so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Here we go......

By the way, I did buy an American Flag this morning and replace my husband's NC State flag on the front of the house with it. But, I've spent all morning cooking and cleaning in preparation for my parents coming this afternoon and I am so completely exhausted that I can't take another picture. I need to go back to work because cooking and cleaning wear me out!

I hope you are thoroughly enjoying your summer. Eating lots of ice cream, cooling off at the pool, taking some walks on the beach, being lazy in a hammock, and reading some really great books. I need to update my reading tab. I'd love to hear from you and how you're enjoying yourself, your friends, and your family this summer.

Blessings to you,

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Staging the new coffee table

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. I am so thrilled with my $18 Goodwill tables that I painted and distressed with my husband's sander last weekend. My friend and fellow decorator, Suzie, shared her painting tips with me which I followed to the tee. She stressed painting on primer first with a brush then using a Valspar spray paint from Lowe's in a satin finish. I'm having fun trying out different items from around the home on top of the two tables = one coffee table. My friend and fellow educator, Jane, had a great suggestion to get a piece or two of glass to put on top. Right now, I'm a happy camper with the fresh pink and purple hydrangeas cut from our backyard.

Here's a peek at our backyard that my husband has been landscaping. It's an interesting backyard in that it's two leveled- kinda strange but we're trying to make it work. We have dreams of adding a paver patio and fireplace. If you squint your eyes you might see the many hydrangea bushes that I'm cutting the hydrangeas from:

I really enjoy sitting on the deck too, when it's not one million degrees outside:

Thanks for stopping by today friends. Stop back by again soon. Some posts I'm working on:
- A Love Letter to My Dad
- Happy 4th of July Decorating
-The Brew Crew Family Dinners
-Summer Fun Coupon Idea for Kids
What about you? What are some burning questions you like to ask me?
Hope you're having a wonderful summer and staying cool-
Take care,

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

Hi Friends,
Today's blog posting has NOTHING WHAT SO EVER to do with decorating. It's one of my favorite videos of my kids from about 4 years ago. I love watching it, especially when they've been fighting or bugging each other. It's one of those sweet moments. Parents tell me these type of memories are the ones that I'll remember. Boy, I hope so! Thank YOU to my hubby for taking videos of our kids so I can remember how sweet and little they were.

You can click on this link below:

I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!
Happy living-

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Goodwill Coffee Table Project

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. I am excited to share my latest cheap project with you. You knew it wouldn't take me long to tackle this one, right? I told you how impatient I am. Remember these two side tables I found at the local Goodwill last week for less than $20 for BOTH!

Well, this little project took about a weekend to complete (the primer and paint needed a chance to dry). I even got to use my husband's electric sander for this job. FUN! I wanted to make the tables look distressed.


Here are these two little cheap beauties put together as a coffee table now.

I'm working on figuring out what to place on top of the tables. In the two baskets underneath the tables I placed a blanket in one for curling up on the sofa and magazines and remotes in the other.
I loved using my husband's electric sander to make this piece look cottage-ey and distressed. I can't wait to use it again. I'm thinking our guest room needs a small dresser that I can paint and distress at a great price of course!
I hope you're having a good week. It's pretty hot and humid here in North Carolina with typical afternoon thunderstorms predicted for every afternoon. Lots of good pool weather. I have one child at home now for the summer and the other child finishing up first grade this week. Then summer will commence!
Take care friends. Thanks for joining me today.

Friday, June 21, 2013

New Cheap Coffee Table

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. Today's posting is a super quick one. I just returned from two weeks on the road teaching math courses to teachers in Maryland and Orlando. You should have seen the resort in Orlando where the institute I was presenting at was held! 4 glorious pools on a golf course! Too bad I didn't get to enjoy any of the facilities! Next time!

Photo: View from my resort hotel room in Orlando. But alas, I'm working. Enjoying the view tremendously!

Here's the big news in our family:

Bryce lost her second front tooth so she now has a huge gap in her mouth! That tooth was just hanging literally by a thread last night. My husband and I almost couldn't even look at her! We wanted to grab it out of her mouth! Luckily it fell out right before bed so it could be placed in her 'tooth fairy' pillow.

We have a busy day today going to her school for a reading award ceremony, writing sharing party, and picnic. Whew! I better type super fast to get this up and posted before I get dressed and head out the door.

I recently decided it was time for a coffee table in our family room. We had intentionally been coffee table free in there due to our kids. We wanted them to have space on the rug in there to play, dance, do cartwheels, etc. Lately, I've been thinking the kids are getting a little older (5 and 7 years old) and maybe we could use a coffee table.

Here's our family room coffee table free:

Now, I gotta be honest with you, we're on a tight budget. Our little family of four is taking a California adventure trip in July together and I have the next 7 weeks off of work (meaning no paycheck for this momma) so I knew if I wanted a coffee table NOW it would have to be super CHEAP! And well, I guess I might be a little (A LOT) impatient. Once I get an idea, I want to carry it out.

So I just happened to stroll through our local Goodwill yesterday and found these two side tables that for less than $20 (for both! that's it!) I could put together for a coffee table.

Here is the new coffee table:

I plan to paint the new coffee table a creamy cottage white and give it a distressed look. Stay tuned! Knowing me, I'll probably do it soon and share it with you. I've very excited!

How much am I loving the hydrangeas cut from our yard?:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Blessings to you-