
Friday, June 21, 2013

New Cheap Coffee Table

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. Today's posting is a super quick one. I just returned from two weeks on the road teaching math courses to teachers in Maryland and Orlando. You should have seen the resort in Orlando where the institute I was presenting at was held! 4 glorious pools on a golf course! Too bad I didn't get to enjoy any of the facilities! Next time!

Photo: View from my resort hotel room in Orlando. But alas, I'm working. Enjoying the view tremendously!

Here's the big news in our family:

Bryce lost her second front tooth so she now has a huge gap in her mouth! That tooth was just hanging literally by a thread last night. My husband and I almost couldn't even look at her! We wanted to grab it out of her mouth! Luckily it fell out right before bed so it could be placed in her 'tooth fairy' pillow.

We have a busy day today going to her school for a reading award ceremony, writing sharing party, and picnic. Whew! I better type super fast to get this up and posted before I get dressed and head out the door.

I recently decided it was time for a coffee table in our family room. We had intentionally been coffee table free in there due to our kids. We wanted them to have space on the rug in there to play, dance, do cartwheels, etc. Lately, I've been thinking the kids are getting a little older (5 and 7 years old) and maybe we could use a coffee table.

Here's our family room coffee table free:

Now, I gotta be honest with you, we're on a tight budget. Our little family of four is taking a California adventure trip in July together and I have the next 7 weeks off of work (meaning no paycheck for this momma) so I knew if I wanted a coffee table NOW it would have to be super CHEAP! And well, I guess I might be a little (A LOT) impatient. Once I get an idea, I want to carry it out.

So I just happened to stroll through our local Goodwill yesterday and found these two side tables that for less than $20 (for both! that's it!) I could put together for a coffee table.

Here is the new coffee table:

I plan to paint the new coffee table a creamy cottage white and give it a distressed look. Stay tuned! Knowing me, I'll probably do it soon and share it with you. I've very excited!

How much am I loving the hydrangeas cut from our yard?:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Blessings to you-

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