
Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Fourth!

Hi Friends,
Yes, I am the crazy lady on the street who decorates too early for the holidays. You probably drive by, see my house, and mumble something under your breath like, "Really?" Okay, it's true.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter....I decorate too early every year because I am just that excited. Then I can't wait to take the decorations down by the actual holiday because I'm tired of them. I'm crazy. I know. 

Honestly, Memorial Day and July 4th don't get too much attention over here. But lately we bought a few cheap decorations and repurposed some old stuff in a new way. I thought why not? In my defense, I have relatives visiting this weekend and staying with us so I wanted to dress up the house a little and make it feel a little special so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Here we go......

By the way, I did buy an American Flag this morning and replace my husband's NC State flag on the front of the house with it. But, I've spent all morning cooking and cleaning in preparation for my parents coming this afternoon and I am so completely exhausted that I can't take another picture. I need to go back to work because cooking and cleaning wear me out!

I hope you are thoroughly enjoying your summer. Eating lots of ice cream, cooling off at the pool, taking some walks on the beach, being lazy in a hammock, and reading some really great books. I need to update my reading tab. I'd love to hear from you and how you're enjoying yourself, your friends, and your family this summer.

Blessings to you,


  1. Megan, I live in your neighborhood and I love reading your blog. As for summer reading, I've loved any of the books by Mary Kay Andrews. Her books are quick, and fun to read. Hope you'll enjoy her. See you around the neighborhood. Hugs, Jane

  2. HI Jane!
    So happy to hear from you! Do you decorate too early like me? Or are you a more sane person?
    Thanks for the Mary Kay Andrews recommendation. I am going to check her out right now on amazon. Thanks!
    So great hearing from you-

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