
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Spring Clothes

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. Maybe it's the warmish weather that we've had in the Raleigh area of North Carolina that has been getting me in the mood for spring. Maybe it's my desire to 'spice it up'. I've worn my winterish clothes now for a while- that's kinda a joke because it hasn't been cold here in North Carolina at all this season and I've been traveling to South Carolina for work (of course, it's even warmer there!). Any-hoo, maybe it's just me wanting some new clothes. Yeah, that's probably it! I have to share with you I used to have this dream that my father owned a department store and each morning before school I would go into the store to pick out my outfit for the day complete with shoes, jewerly, get the idea. Sounds pretty materialist, doesn't it? I know.

I was looking over my "Style" board on my Pinterest page and noticed that there's a direct connection between the clothes I like and the rooms I like. See if you agree:

How about for you? Do you notice a correlation between the clothes in your closet and the colors in your home?

Happy almost spring to you my friends.
Happy decorating & living,

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