
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's time to spice it up!!!!

HI friends,
Thank you for joining me today. How is your week going?

Guess what? It's time to spice it up! I am so happy that I get to share my fourth and last rule for decorating today: Spice it up!!!! Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me, knows that I like to spice it up! My kids know I like to spice it up! They say, "Mommy, can we spice up my room?" I am a person who gets energy from an envrionment that is different.

It's amazing how a simple, inexpensive change in my home can rejuvenate me. I spice it up frequently by:
-changing furniture arrangement in a room
-moving one piece of furniture or artwork or accessory to a different space
-swapping out pillows
-changing out a light fixture or adding a new light fixture to a room
-adding a new plant or accessory to a room

I can't express how much I love change! It inspires me. I know not everyone is like me. Some people really love constancy. They buy furniture they like, they hang up artwork, and they arrange their room and it stays that way for a long, long, long time. That's okay. Actually that's wonderful if that's what makes you happy. When I say it's time to spice it up it's for the people out there like me who feel rejuvenated taking a risk and spicing it up.

Honestly, some of my favorite decorating pieces have been pieces that I wasn't quite sure about and tried it out anyway and ended up loving it. That's what today's post is about: taking a risk, trying something, and maybe loving it. Why not? Give it a try. Swap out some artwork from one room to another. Rearrange the furniture in a room. Buy some new pillows for your favorite room. Get a new small rug for your entryway. Repurpose a piece of furniture by recovering it or repainting it. I can't wait to hear what you decide to do. Go for it!

Here are some of my favorite pinnings from that are inspiring me to spice it up:

Love the sweet bench at the end of the bed:

Love the seahorse picture and the rattan blue painted chairs:

Love the colors and open shelves:

Love the mix of wood finishes:

Happy decorating & living,

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