
Monday, February 27, 2012

The beach is calling.....

Hi friends,
How are you this week? Did you watch the Oscars? What did you think? I have to admit I only saw four of the movies nonimated for anything (Bridesmaids, The Muppets, Rio, and The Help). How about you? How many of the films did you see? Which ones did you like?

I have to share with you that I broke down and pulled the Easter decorations out of the attic yesterday. The Easter tree is up with it's ornaments on it. The bunnies, eggs, wreath, Easter children's books, and other springtime decor is around the Brewer household. How about you? Do you have special decorations that you put out for Easter?

We've been thinking a lot about the beach lately in our household. Honestly, one of the major bonuses for us moving from Northern Virginia to North Carolina (it's about a 4 1/2 hour car ride) is that we can now travel to beach in half the time that it used to take us. Now, the idea of jumping in the car on a Friday afternoon and heading to the shore for the weekend is very doable. And we're going to do it a lot! My husband and I have pulled out our calendars for the next couple of months and marked off some time for the beach.

I love going to the beach!!!! I am very fortunate that I've been able to go to the beach just about every year of my life, usually a couple of times a year. My family has always chosen to go to the beach over other vacations. That might explain why I didn't make it to Disney World until I was in my thirties!

Here is what I love to do at the beach:

  • take long walks or runs on the beach or on the bike paths or through the neighborhoods
  • hang out in the beach house and play games, cards, or do puzzles
  • read on the beach
  • nap in the afternoon
  • go out on the beach at night with flashlights looking for crabs
  • go out for ice cream
  • cook together
  • fly kites
  • watch the kids play in the sand digging big holes, building sand castles, or jumping in the waves
  • eating some yummy seafood
  • taking outside showers
  • watching the coastline for dolphins
  • smelling the warm, salty air
  • hearing the seagulls and pelicans
  • feeling the warmth of the sun
  • putt putt
How about you? Do you like to go to the beach? If so, what are some of the things that you like to do there?

Here are some beach images to remind us that we can hold on a little longer, spring is just around the corner......the beach is calling.

Happy decorating & living,

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