
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Almost A Year in Review

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. How is your week going? I've been getting ready for a business trip that I have coming up next week: working on powerpoints, getting copies made of handouts, getting the Brew Crew household in order so I can leave, planning my outfits for my trip (this is important stuff here friends!), and normal life (driving kids to and from school, going on my walks, laundry, taking care of pets, normal household stuff, blah blah blah...).

I'm starting to get in the reflection mood. We have lived in our new house in North Carolina now for almost a year (we moved mid-April last year).

I felt in the mood to reflect on what we've done so far and what we have left to do. I love making lists!

What we have done:
  • Replaced eat-in kitchen light


  • Replaced my  home office light (supposed to be dining room)


  • Replaced living room light


  • Painted master bedroom


  • Painted master bathroom


Okay, it seems like I have an obsession about light fixtures (it's true) and my husband likes to paint (also true).

Stop back by my blog tomorrow and I'll share with you my ideas of what I want to work on next.

Thanks again for joining me today. I hope you are doing well and having a good week.
Happy decorating & living,

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