
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Paint a rug? Why not!

Hi friends,
I am so excited! I just painted a rug! You might have seen a post I did recently about my love of striped rugs but not loving their high prices! A friend and follower of my blog, Barb, shared another blog with me in which a woman painted an inexpensive white cotton rug from Ikea. As fate would have it, I found myself in the Charlotte, North Carolina Ikea store over Thanksgiving. We picked up the rug and today I painted it. I am so excited because the rug was cheap, maybe $60 and I used old paint that we already had laying around the garage. So, this project cost $60, that's it and I have a new rug for my office. My office is just about finished. It just needs a little more art work. I am loving hanging out in there and don't mind working at all!

Here's the rug:

Here's the blog where I was inspired to paint the rug:

I decided to only paint the middle of the white Ikea rug. On the blog where I got this idea the author shared that her painted rug was in a high traffic area and got dirty quickly. She was frustrated that it was difficult to clean. For that reason, I decided to only paint the middle of the rug that runs along the center of my desk. That way the ends of the rug are still white and if they get dirty, I can wipe them down with Clorox. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Here are some more photos of the new rug in my office. The paint is actually still a little wet, that's why the chairs aren't resting on the rug. I was just so excited to share the newly painted rug with you!:

Here is more of my office:

These blue and green fish make me smile every time I see them!

This beach glass mirror makes me so happy!

Some pictures showing how I painted the rug, easy schemezie, in the garage!

I started with a wide blue gray stipe in the middle and added two small green stripes on either side. After removing the tape I realized that I didn't quite like it. Too wimpy:

Then I decided to add two more green stripes. I measured the opening of my desk/ craft table to be around 28 inches so I made the stripes fit within that space. I used old blue gray paint from our bedroom that my husband painted this summer. I used green paint that we bought to paint a room in our old house in Virginia but never actually used because the sample we painted on a wall didn't look good.

Here's one last look at the room:

Thanks for joining me today. Happy decorating & living-


  1. Bravo...nice job. I think it looks great. Your office is so nice. Love the sea glass mirror. Did you know I collect sea glass? I have tons from the beaches in Maine. There are some great coffee table books about sea glass. There is a beach in California that has no sand....all sea glass. Matt, my son went there and sent me 5 pounds of it....yes, I am in love!!!!!

    Also, we have cross stitch in common . I don't do it anymore but have a whole wall of old looking samplers. Let me know if you need any supplies or graphs. I have more than anyone should have. Graphs, threads, material, you name it.

  2. Hi Barb,
    I love love love beach glass! I would love to visit a beach that actually had beach glass. Where we go to the beach in South Carolina it's shells and shark teeth, no beach glass.
    I was cross stitch crazy about 15 years ago. No more. I am cross stitched out.
    Take care Barb. I am still really loving Still Alice. Need to pick my next book soon. What do you think I should pick?
    Happy Sunday-
