
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Organization Please!

Hi friends,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas season! We traveled up to Northern Virginia to spend Christmas with my parents and my brother, Richard, and his wife, Noriko, (visiting from California). Here we are right before visiting our old church, The Falls Church, for their Christmas Eve family service. We saw several of our old Sunday school kids which was awesome.

A couple of days before that we had my husband's mom stay with us to celebrate her birthday and Christmas. Lots of good times!

Now, we're home. I caved in today and put away all of the Christmas toys. I purchased some new organization baskets at Target which were on sale which helped motivate me to put things away. I also vacuumed which was much needed!

As luck would have it, my new Better Homes and Garden magazine arrived in the mail today. I was really inspired by a woman who took one weekend and $100 to transform her coat closet into a cool organization space for all of her family's things (coats, bags, backpacks, boots, etc). I can't find a picture of it online to share with you but it looked very similar to these images that I found online:


I remember my friend and neighbor, Alison's house that I shared with you this fall. She has two awesome organizational zones in her house that I loved:

Now, we have a small organizational zone off of our garage leading into the house that we inherited with our house when we bought it last spring. But, somehow, it isn't working for me. I think we have too much stuff! I am really feeling the need for more space within my organizational zone. It doesn't look pretty, it just looks junky!

Bags that we use daily or almost daily:

Kids' coats that are currently being used (other coats are in their closets):

I had an idea that possibly we could sacrifice our hallway near the entrance to our home and convert it into an organizational zone. But, I am waffling on that idea because we would be able to see all of our "stuff" all the time. This space isn't hidden. I think if we did it right and made it "pretty" it could work. I really like the hooks that I saw in the inspiration pictures. I also like the idea of everyone in our family having their own zone. Also, a place to sit to put on shoes is neat.

Or maybe I'll just put this idea of an organizational zone away in my Idea Book for our "dream house" (our "someday" house).

What about you? Do you have a really cool organizational zone in your home that you love? If so, I'd love to see it. Email me,

Three year old (almost 4) Brayden LOVES his new Woody toy that his 5 year old sister, Bryce, gave him for Christmas.

Happy decorating & living-

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