
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Updated: Guest Room

Hi friends,
You might have seen my Guest Room postings a few months ago. Many of you gave me some great ideas for spicing up my guest room. Well, I did a few minor, inexpensive updates and wanted to share them with you.

Here's a sneak peak of the guest room now:

Here was the guest room before. This hodge podge wasn't working for me for so many reasons.

  • The art work was spread out all over the room and not cohesive.
  • The brown paint color really wasn't working for me.
  • The sad one lamp wasn't doing much good.

Here are some more photos of the guest room now:

I decided to use my jumping off point with two inspiration pieces:

-the Carribean artwork (purchased on our honeymoon)
-the blue and green linens in the room

I made some very inexpensive changes to the room:
  • Replaced old sad lonely lamp with two new bright green lamps with fun burlap shades
  • Bought two new reversible pillows (green side/blue side)
  • Repurposed tv tray with additional tray as another bedside table
  • Put all of the Carribean artwork together on focus wall with bed instead of having it spread out all over the room
  • Added reading material in baskets to both sides of bed
  • Added old white shelf to wall with mirror and placed some old blue glass lanterns, starfish, and candle on it

I am still considering the possiblitity of painting the room, adding additional art work, and maybe purchasing some new linens (bedding and curtains). What do you think?



I hope you all have a great weekend. What are your plans? My 5 year old daughter Bryce and I are headed to the state fair today- our first state fair ever!

Happy decorating & living,


  1. Megan,
    I love the new additions to the guest room. It is really inviting and warm. The color choices are great. The art is so wonderful and meaningful to you...bravo, you have a natural talent for doing decorating.

    If you were to paint the room...what are you thinking? Would I repaint...perhaps. I think the only reason I would paint would be to lighten it up. What about just painting the ceiling white? It is brown also, right? I kind of like the dark tan color....I do!

    You are an inspiration to us all.

    Hope you had fun at the fair and enjoyed all the fair food.

    Reading The Night Stranger by Chris Bojhalian. His new book....good so far.

    Have a great weekend with family and friends.

  2. Thanks Barb! It's definitely still a work in progress as are actually all of the rooms in our house still. I don't like the ceilings painted brown at all but it's such a pain to repaint them that we haven't tackled that job yet. I would LOVE to have white ceilings!!!!!
    The NC State Fair was huge!!!!!! I think we only saw about 1/5 of it and we spent about 4 hours there. I love Chris Bojhalian- I've read most of his stuff. So far, you like it? I'm almost finished with Room then I'll start The Paris Wife probably this weekend.
    Take care. Enjoy your weekend-
