
Monday, June 27, 2011

Room Make-Over Design Plan for Our Eat-in Kitchen

Yes, you know me, I am a tinkerer. I like to spice it up and make a room really feel like us. Now we have been in our new home in Raleigh, North Carolina for about two months. Our new home is slowly being personalized to reflect our styles and personalities. I truly believe that it is essential to create a home that is beautiful and reflects who you are. I want our home to be a place where we love to spend time, love to entertain our family and friends in, and can't wait to be in! A home is where we get rejevunated to take on our passions in life and where we come to rest after conquering the world or at least our little corner of it!

Okay, enough said, let's check out our current eat-in kitchen:

So, what do you think? It's a perfectly fine place to eat. But there is a lot of brown, brown, and more brown. I am really feeling the need to spice it up, add some interest, and some color!

Here's my Room Make-Over Plan for Our Eat-in Kitchen:

Let's break it down. Here's my 'to do' list:

1. Paint the 6 currently brown wicker chairs cream- I think by painting these wicker chairs a lighter color it will make the room pop a little and paint is such a cheap way to make an impact in a room and if I don't like it, I can always buy brown paint and repaint them back to brown, I think it's worth a try! It might look pretty cool to let a little bit of the brown come through- so that the chairs appear rustic.

2. Replace the current chandelier fixture- it's too big and fancy for us. We are both digging this clean lantern light fixture which fits in more with our style and personalities.

3. Add a big chalkboard to the large wall that is currently completely empty. I think the chalkboard will be practical- it will be magnetized so we can hang up our kids' artwork or we can have fun and write favorite scripture up there, or fun quotes, whatever. I think it will add personality to the room.

4. Purchase a small buffet to put some accessories on top of (lanters, fun big dish or bowl, etc) and store dishes inside. But it CANNOT be the same shade of brown as everything else. I don't think white will work. I am considering something like I put in my Room Make-Over Design Plan- something distressed and an interesting painted piece.

What I Plan on Keeping in the Room:
-6 wicker chairs
-round/oval table
-graphic brown and white curtains recently purchased from World Market

What do you think? What do you like about your eat-in kitchen or dining room?  Do you have any ideas for me about how to spice up our room?
Happy decorating & living,


  1. I like the idea of the buffet in a different color. Perhaps we find something old with character and try to "distress" it ourselves. I like the idea of the cream colored chairs with touches of brown coming through, again some rustic-ness going on.

  2. You have such an awesome talent Megan! I think the changes you said would look great. I don't know much about decorating but I really like the blues you have in your shelves that your tinkering with.. and the blue vase in your eat in kitchen. Adding more blues somewhere could bring a touch of color... but like I said I know NOTHING about decorating... I just like the blue :)

  3. I totally agree with you Nichole! I am liking the blue too! I think we have blue in every room in our house- it's my 'signature color'. I hope you are well and that little baby too. :)
