
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Photograph Arrangements

Many friends share with me their frustration about how to hang family photographs. I totally understand! We LOVE sharing our favorite family photos in our home but also struggle with how to hang them.

Let's play a little game. Here are some framed photograph arrangements. Browse through them and pay attention to what you notice, what you like, and what you don't like:

Here are some questions about photograph arrangements that you might want to consider:

-Do you prefer black and white photos? Is color more your preference?
-Do you like to use the same frames?
-Do you prefer similar frames but somewhat different to add interest?
-Do you like a grid symmetrical arrangement?
-Do you prefer a more hapazard free form approach?
-Do you want to make a statement by filling up a whole wall?
-Do you prefer a small statement?
-Do you want to have the same mats on all of your frames?
-Do you prefer mat size varied from picture to picture to add interest?
-What kinds of frames do you like? Black? White? Gold? Silver? Wood? Metal?

Here are some of our attempts at hanging and dispalying photograph arrangements:

Last month's family black and white family photograph collection in white frames (some wood, some metal) in our living room:

Our family of 4 framed baby photos (me- the mom when I was a baby, my husband's baby picture, our son, and our daughter) hanging in our daughter's old bedroom back in Virginia:

Here we were having a little fun in the bathroom with bath tub shots of our kids (in our old house in Virginia):

You can tell we favor  black and white photographs in simple black frames (from our old house in Virginia):

Our old bedroom in Virginia, you guessed it, more black and white family photos:

Here we also had some fun with a big black and white of my cat, Millie, on my side of the bed, and Steve's dog, Raven, on his side of the bed (old Virginia house):

Do you currently have any framed photograph arrangements in your home? What is your style? Were you inspired by any of the pictures in this collection? I'd love to hear from you.

Happy decorating & living,


  1. Great inspiration for a photo wall.. just found your blog love it!
    xoxo Kendra

  2. Thanks Kendra! I am headed over to check out your blog right now! Happy blogging, decorating, & living-

  3. Don't like brown frames. I like black and white frames with black and white, or sepia at times, photos. Brown just seems too boring.

  4. I agree with you- brown isn't really my thing either. I am struggling with making our new home which is painted brown on the whole first floor feel like us. I think it's time to purchase paint and fresh brushes!!!! :) Happy decorating & living- Megan

  5. Nice collection of images. I'm a big fan of the style. Interesting that you can mix different styles of frames (vintage and contemporary) and get such a great look. A very satisfying result.
