
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Taking Trash to Treasure

Hi there friends,
How is your weekend coming along? We are watching Storm Erika and praying she falls apart (which it looks like she's doing for us and many others down south) as we want to steal away for another quick beach trip to squeak out the last of summer that we can.

Today's blog posting is about two recent examples of turning trash to treasure which is honestly one of my favorite decorating tricks. It's budget friendly, green, and hey, it's fun!

Here's a sneak peek.....

Here's the story.

This beauty was found by Mr. Cottage Blue in the trash at the beach. Can you imagine? Someone did not see the rustic chippy cuteness of this piece that we see. Well, my sweetie picked it up and brought it home. That's literally taking trash and turning it into our treasure. Every time I look at it, I think about the beach which makes me smile. I am loving it especially with the blue-green glass vase I found on clearance and the oyster shell mirror I made from oyster shells collected from a restaurant at the beach and bleached.

The next story:

Recently I was rooting around our attic looking for something when I spied this piece of trash in the corner....

This had been a linen covered hanging light from our previous house that we purchased from Pottery Barn. The linen ripped and the poor light was condemned to a life in the corner of the attic. Until, I stumbled upon it recently and starting thinking....

I have never liked the builder grade ceiling lights all throughout our house but it takes a lot of money to replace ALL those lights....why not make something?

I scoured Pinterest and found several wood bead chandelier inspiration pieces. Next, off to the local craft store went I on the hunt for some interesting beads. I was considering colored wooden beads. I landed on simple plain wood beads and plain tan cording. Then I was in creative craft heaven attempting to turn this trash into something resembling a treasure.

See what you think....

I'm happy with my trash treasure. I think this hallway has a lot of personality and needed a fun light fixture to work with it. Now, the hunt continues for some more interesting light fixtures.....stay tuned...

Happy decorating & living,

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