
Monday, March 23, 2015

Brayden's Magical 7th Birthday Party

Hi Friends,
Thanks for joining me today. So sorry that I haven't posted anything since Christmas. Needless to say, there's been a lot going on in the Brew Crew household the last couple of months and decorating fell to the very bottom of the priority list. But, I'm happy to be back with you briefly to share with you some pictures from my son's recent birthday party at our house.

This story kinda starts out as a sad story. This was really my son's first birthday party in a way. We did attempt to have a birthday party at a local sports place (it did happen) 2 years ago for his 5th birthday but unfortunately due to bad timing (Spring break!) only a few friends were in town to join him (he did still have a lot of fun though). Also, last year, he chose to go to Great Wolf Lodge for his birthday. Our family's birthday tradition is, you may choose to go somewhere fun (that costs a bit of money) or you can choose to have a birthday party (also costs $). So, this year, my son said he'd like a party at home. When I asked him what he wanted, he said he really just wanted his friends in his backyard running around and playing with him. I must admit, I thought to myself: a group of wild boys running around the backyard for hours? Lord, help me!! But after a while I warmed up to the idea and began planning. I saw how fascinated my son was with my magician's kit that he received as a gift for Christmas and did a search for local magicians. Voila! Idea hatched! Bring on the Pinterest! What did I do before Pinterest? Here we go......

Happy Magical 7th Birthday Brayden

Pinterest decorating ideas inspired 4th of July decorations:

Pinterest inspired food treats: Bunnies popping out of magician's hats and magic fruit wands

By the way, the timing of the party worked out beautifully so my boy had a good 25 minutes left at the end of the party to run around the backyard with his friends (and they had balloon guns and swords thanks to the magician and were on a sugar high from tons of candy also from said magician). My son and his friends had a blast!

Thanks again for joining me. Sadly I don't have a picture of myself being levitated on the magician's table to share with you. Good times!
Happy decorating & living,

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