
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Two trees? Craziness!

Dear Friends,
Hello! Happy Fall Y'all! How are you? Now that I'm back working full time as an educational consultant traveling across our beautiful country I don't get the opportunity to check in with you as often as I'd like. I wanted to share that soon I'll share a Christmas update. We're going with 2 Christmas trees over here at the Brew Crew household and I can't wait to share. It's our first year of 2 trees. My husband tells me that I cannot decorate until after Thanksgiving and I know he's right. I would be sick of the Christmas decorations before Christmas was actually here if I decorated today so please stay tuned....

Hope you all are well. Let's all count our blessings today. Here's our Thanksgiving 'What are you thankful for tree':

Have a blessed Thanksgiving y'all-

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