
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Adirondacks in the family room? Craziness!

Hi friends,
Caution: I went picture crazy on this blog!

How are you? Happy Labor Day weekend! Can you believe that September is around the corner? What are you up to this weekend? We are having a quiet Brew Crew weekend around home. Nothing big planned....hanging out with the neighborhood friends, church, pool, etc. Brayden and I had a 'mommy & son date' today and went roller blading together. Bryce and I have a 'mommy & daughter date' planned for Monday...right now she says she wants to build a fort with me in the bonus room and watch a movie together in the fort. Good times!

I wanted to share with y'all how I spiced up our family room. We had a group of friends (about 13 of us) over recently for a lasagna dinner so I needed to add additional seating to our family room for chatting time. We actually spread out eating in our dining room (first time for company), eat in kitchen, and at our bar in the kitchen. It worked out beautifully! Friends brought salad, apps, bread, and dessert.

To add additional seating to our family room, I was kinda crazy and brought in our blue wooden Adirondacks chairs from our deck. I know! What was I thinking? Now, honestly, I am kinda loving the blue fun chairs in this room. They're actually really comfortable. I think they really work with the new Pottery Barn horizontally striped curtains we recently added to this room. See what you think:

Bye Y'all! I hope you have an amazing weekend!
Happy decorating & living,

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