
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jazzing UP Plain Jane Curtains

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. Happy June to you!!! What is on tap for you for June? Trips? Projects? Relaxing? Pool time? Barbeques? Since our daughter attends a year-round school June is really just another school month for us except that our neighborhood pool is open now so we find ourselves there most every day. It's been especially hot in North Carolina this past week so pool time is very much needed. Today I had to veto going to the pool since we have been the last three days in a row, this momma needed a break. So the kids played in the backyard in their bathing suits and ran through the sprinkler. Did you run through a sprinkler in your yard as a kid? I certainly did. They had a ball! Then we topped off the day with 'Family Date Night' by heading over to the local neighborhood pizza joint:

I really just needed a break from cooking tonight. We've been making sure to have family dinners at the dinner table each night. I'm trying to break myself of the easy habit of just feeding the kids what they want (chicken nuggets, pasta, mac and cheese, or hot dogs) and exposing them to real foods. I gotta be honest, some nights it's painful over here at The Brew Crew household with their complaining about the real food. But, honestly, it's definitely getting better since it's an expectation now and the menu is posted for the week so they've figured out there's nothing that they can do about it:

So, back to today, and what this blog post is really supposed to be all about. Today, in between my daughter's gymnastics and Family Date Night I was in heaven. I had my Pandora station playing in my home office/craft room and was crafting away for several house. I decided to take these totally plain jane cheap Target white curtains that I've probably had for about ten years in our guest room and spice them up.

Plain Jane curtains BEFORE spicing:

I bought one yard of this bright green chevron fabric and some double fold bias tape also in bright green:

Got out my simple Brother sewing machine and dusted off my eighth grade sewing skills:

I added about 6 inches of the new bright green chevron fabric to the bottom of the curtains and added the bias tape along one edge of the curtains. Voila! I am pleased with how they turned out.
Plain Jane curtains be gone!

The bright green lamp was inspiration for the fabric:

I had just enough left over fabric to sew up a small pillow:

 But I honestly love the fabric so much, I might keep the new pillow in my home office so I can look at it each day:

 What a perfect day! I feel so blessed and rejuvenated by today. Time with family and time to craft. That's about a perfect day in my book. I also got to lay in our hammock in the shade for about thirty minutes with our son- just listening to whatever he wanted to tell me. So interesting to hear his random thoughts. Today was a great day! I hope it was for you too my friends.
Blessings to you.
Happy decorating and living,


  1. Loving the new curtains! They subtly pop in a beautiful way! I'm sending you to my house soon to do something with anything in my house. LOL! Looks great!!!

  2. Thanks a lot Jan! You inspired me to be excited about a decorating project from our conversation on Friday! I hope you're having a great week! Let's get together again soon and discuss decorating projects!

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