
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Birthday Twins

Hi friends,
Thanks so much for joining me today. How have you been?

By the way, I updated my 'Tour My Home', 'Books & Reading', 'Decorating Projects' and 'Joy Rising' tabs. Feel free to check them out when you get a chance.

Recently, our family headed to the beautiful beaches of South Carolina for a four day weekend (my absolute favorite kind of weekend!) to celebrate my husband and daughter's joint birthday. In case you didn't know, my daughter surprised us two months early of her delivery date by being born while we were out of town near Charlotte, North Carolina, visiting my husband's family for the weekend to celebrate his birthday and to attend a baby shower for us (we never made it to the baby shower, we were at the hospital instead, having a baby!). She was born on her daddy's birthday and in his hometown! That's a story I'll never forget as long as I live! She weighed 5 pounds and 1 ounce and had to stay in the NICU for about two weeks. Now, she's a thriving, happy, and healthy seven year old! She loves the fact that she has a birthday twin in her daddy.

We were fortunate that Steve's mom, aunt, and second cousin could join us for a quick birthday beach get away. Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Photo: American girls at the beach

For their birthday day celebration outing, Bryce chose going to the acquarium and Steve chose playing putt putt:

Photo: Seafood lunch

Photo: Shark!

Photo: Bryce chose the aquarium at the beach for her birthday outing

Photo: Sting ray cove

Photo: Steve chose putt putt for his birthday outing today.

Thanks again for joining me today. I hope that you are having a great week.
Blessings to you-

1 comment:

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