
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A few little updates

HI friends,
Boy, do I feel blessed this week! I've had the last two weeks off of work and it's been so lovely to be at home getting some of those 'to do' things off of my list. Somehow, I haven't crossed off everything from my 'to do' list. On some of these beautiful days, I'd rather sit on the deck in an Adirondack chair with the sun on my face and the breeze across my legs listening to the birds reading rather than tackle some of those jobs. I have not cleaned the baseboards and the hardwood floors yet- somehow those less glamorous jobs don't seem as exciting. I have gathered up items from the attic for Goodwill and done some good cleaning.

I wanted to share two fun creative projects that I had a great time working on last week. I dusted off my middle school sewing skills and designed a pillow. I also spiced up our eat in kitchen and added a few new items.

First, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, last week I used some of my very basic sewing skills- thank you Home Economics Middle School teachers for teaching me to sew. I had some plain white pillows that came with our two Crate and Barrell slipcovered sofas that we bought on sale two years ago when we moved from Virginia to North Carolina. I decided it would be fun to add some decorative elements to the plain white sofa pillows. I checked out the Pottery Barn website and found my inspiration (I kinda have a thing for starfish and pillows):

I used the left over tan duck fabric from the ugly bench in our bedroom that I covered recently to try to improve it's appearance. You can read about the bench project here:

First, I made a template on paper of the starfish cutout and traced it with pencil on the tan duck fabric. Then I sewed it on the pillows. I kept one starfish pillow plain and added buttons and beads to the other one. Which one do you like best (plain one on the left, snazzy one on the right):

I also wanted to share with you how I spiced up our eat-in kitchen. I added two green slipcovers to our chairs (found on sale at Pier One) and a new green pottery lamp found in my favorite home décor store in downtown Columbia, South Carolina (I also found the driftwood bowl at this new favorite store of mine that is on the buffet). By the way, sorry that these pictures are so dark. The paint color on the walls/ceiling is not conducive for picture taking. We hope to change it to a soft cool gray/blue sometime in the near future and a white ceiling:
Here's where I have been spending quite a bit of time lately outside reading:

Friends, another reason that I am feeling so blessed is that this weekend my parents came to visit to celebrate Mother's Day. My mom has been battling cancer for the past year and she now has six months off of chemo because her cancer is shrinking- Praise God! Here are some pictures from the weekend. By the way, we were also celebrating my husband and daughter's joint birthday a week early. I treated my mom to a night out- we went out to eat and saw a musical together. She and my dad look great, don't they? 


Here we are before church on Mother's Day:
Thanks so much for joining me today friends! I had fun sharing Brew Crew updates with you. I hope you are feeling blessed this week. I think I'm feeling especially full of gratitude because I have been reading a book on gratitude which is helping me to focus on all of life's blessings.
Take care.
Happy decorating & living,


  1. I'm smiling for you today!

  2. Thanks!!!! I'm smiling too! Full of gratitude!!!

  3. Oh, Megan! You all look wonderful! Your house looks great too;-)

  4. Thanks so much Marian! I am counting my blessings tonight!
    Kitties count as blessings too! :)

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