
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas from the Brewers

Merry Christmas friends!

I have been thinking of you all this holiday season and hoping you are well. I have been busy working at my job in education but wanted to take a few minutes to visit with you and share how we decorated for the holidays in our home.

Caution: I went a little crazy with tons of pictures added to this blog update!

First off, I have officially lost my mind this year. I made two Christmas cards, yes, two! Have you ever done this? Or am I the only crazy one? I just couldn't decide which one to go with so I ordered both. Now, I didn't mail friends and family two Christmas cards from our family. That would really be crazy if I did that, right?????

Here they are, which one do you like best?:

1. Our favorite place in the world: the Beach-

2. The kids in their Christmas outfits (you don't want to know how I was screaming at them to smile for the shots, you've never done that, right?)-

I love pouring over decorating magazines to get inspired for decorating for Christmas. I am always awed by their cool color choices. Then I look at our collection of Christmas decorations, all green and red, and I think, 'How can I not use the stuff I already  have?' Maybe someday I'll really spice it up and go with a cool blue and green Christmas motif or something different but for now I'll drag all of our favorite oldie but goodies green and red decor.
This year I was inspired by several magazines to add some homemade Christmas decorating touches to our home that I'll share with you below.
Entry Way: I reused old white cabinet doors as a Christmas card hanger. I took the cabinet doors off a DVD storage piece we have up in the bonus room and attached clothespins with hot glue to hold Christmas cards.





Family Room: I was inspired by a decorating magazine to make Christmas banners with colorful Christmas scrapbook paper that I cut into triangles and attached to red ribbon.





Eat-in Kitchen: I liked the Christmas paper banner so much I continued it in here too (plus it was super easy and cheap to make and fun too!).



Living Room: I was inspired by another decorating magazine to add garland to the archway (reused all of the materials by the way).



This is where the kids and I read the Christmas books that they open each night- (I blogged about this idea that I got from a friend last year, you can read about it here:)

My Home Office: Another idea that I got from a magazine this season was to make these handmade peace, joy, and love signs. All I needed was Christmas scrapbook paper, 3 small wooden hoops, red ribbon, and a few stickers.

My wish for each and every one of you this Christmas season is to be filled with the spirit. May you feel the love of Christ and share that love with everyone around you.

God bless you all-

1 comment:

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