
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hanging out with My Mom

Hi friends,
Warning: This blog post today has absolutely nothing in the least bit to do with decorating. Even though my last blog post said that I was probably done blogging, Losing My Steam, I decided to pop back in today because I see that many of you keep visiting my blog each and every day. So, what the heck, I'll share what's been going on in my life.

This week I made the 4 1/2 hour car ride from our home south of Raleigh, North Carolina to my parent's home in Fairfax, Virginia. My dad has gone up to Maine for a convention that he organizes every two years for his past work organization. This will be the first time that my mom hasn't joined him. I came to stay with my mom to 'mom sit': basically hang out with her, take her to doctor's appointments, and keep her company. I was actually really looking forward to this time together.

Here is the top reason that I am loving my week hanging out with my mom:

1. A bed to my own beautiful self: No cats, no dogs, no kids! Alleulia! Just me, two pillows, a sheet and blanket, and a comfy bed. The family bed is not my thing, nor is it my husband's idea of a restful night's sleep. Our kids have their own bedrooms and beds. We like them to sleep in their own beds. Stay in there you rascals! The night before I came to visit my mom I had a four year old, well, truth be told, my four year, climb into my bed and attempt to sleep with my husband and I. His version of sleeping includes sleeping horizontally across our bed between the two of us which really means that he's kicking one of us while he's tossing and turning and head butting the other one of us. Needless to say, we get that knucklehead back into his bed as soon as he falls asleep. This happens about once a week, one or the other of our children say they're scared or couldn't sleep and try to find refuge in our bed. What this means for us is intterupted sleep. Notice, I didn't mention that I mind sleeping with my husband, with our king size bed, he has his half, I have mine. Sleep is soooo underrated I think. I love it! I am going to bed early here at my mom's every night and plan on sleeping in (anything past 6am is beautiful!). No alarm clock jarring me awake to make kids' breakfasts and rush them out of the house to school. (I really do like being a mom and love my two kids....really! It doesn't sound like it, does it? Honestly, I do.)

Get in your own bed, son!

Maybe I'll pop back in and share some more later friends. Thanks for joining me today.

We have some very exciting news in our family that we are waiting to happen today that I'll share soon.

Hope you're having a joy filled day. If not, find something that brings you joy and do it! Now!

May you have a restful night's sleep! Sweet dreams my friends-

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