
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Spicing Up the Family Room

Hi friends,
You might have seen my last post about how I spiced up our living room. The living room spicage (is that a word? no!) came about because of this spicage. I decided to move the sofas around (mostly to make myself clean behind them (Hey! That's where that missing playing card went plus too many legos to mention!). I brought this small chair and a half (below on the left) together with his partner sofa. The small chair and a half had been hanging out in the living room next door. I thought these two friends that we purchased over a year ago when we moved in probably wanted to finally be together in the same room. My husband and I have already discovered that we LOVE the fact that the gray corduroy ottoman is the same size as the chair and a half. Perfect for cuddling! Not to mention that the exact moment we tried out the cuddling on the chair and a half together both kids decided that they had to snuggle in with us and we all fit on it (that's pretty amazing!).


Thanks so much for joining me today.
Happy decorating & living,

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