
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Not 'Man's Cave' but 'Megan's Cave'

Hi friends,

How are you? How is your summer winding down? We've been pretty busy over at The Brew Crew household. I know that I told you that I was taking a break from blogging for a month but I just had to drop back in this week for a post or two and share.

Some updates from our house: Bryce started first grade last week (year round school), I was able to steal away to Northern Virginia to visit my parents as my mom is dealing with Ovarian cancer and all of the side effects of chemotherapy- we were able to celebrate my birthday as well as my pops, Brayden doesn't start preschool for another couple of weeks so he and I have been best buds, and all of the rest of life stuff. Luckily for me I've had a nice break from my consulting job in education as I've been able to focus on all of this other stuff! Though work is about to pick back up with more traveling next month.

Anyway, I just had to take a break from my 'blog break' and share my updated home office with you. As you might remember, we forfeited having a dining room so that I could have a room for myself- a home office where I can work on my laptop at the craft table, pull out my sewing machine for craft projects, and much much more. This is one of my favorite spaces in our house because it's so cheery and happy. I also love it because it's location is right off of the kitchen and family room on the first floor so I can keep an eye on the kids while I'm doing my own thing.

For my birthday, my sweet husband remembered my recent seahorse fascination and picked up these two sweet wooden blue painted seahorses from for this space:

Here is a run down of some things you might remember about this space:

-DIY painted blue stripes on curtains
-DIY painted blue and green strips on white rug
-DIY four sea creatures pieces of artwork flanking the large window (used paper placemats and mod podge)
-Basket overhead light fixture found in the clearance section at Ikea
-2 bar stools covered with my green and blue fabric
-Spindle shelf unit painted fresh coat of white paint (used to be in my parent's basement from the 1970s ugly brown fake wood)
-Lots of storage
-Freshly painted 'Beach House' Valspar walls and ceiling

I think my 'Megan's Cave' is just about finished. Whew! It was fun decorating it just the way I wanted with inexpensive DIY projects (painting the curtains with big beautiful wide blue stripes, painting the white rug with green and blue stripes, painting the furniture, and doing some art projects). I am considering adding some additional storage at some point in the future but for right now, it's a wrap.



Thanks so much for stopping by my little decorating blog today friends. I think I'll lift my 'blog break' one more time soon to share what's been going on in our master bedroom- I have some fun changes to share with you. I hope you all are doing well.

Happy decorating & living,


  1. Glad to have you back...We have missed you. What are you reading?


  2. Thanks Barb! I am reading Tell the Wolves I'm Home and The Pillars of the Earth. How about you?
    Take care.

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