
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Spicing Up the Family Room

Hi friends,
You might have seen my last post about how I spiced up our living room. The living room spicage (is that a word? no!) came about because of this spicage. I decided to move the sofas around (mostly to make myself clean behind them (Hey! That's where that missing playing card went plus too many legos to mention!). I brought this small chair and a half (below on the left) together with his partner sofa. The small chair and a half had been hanging out in the living room next door. I thought these two friends that we purchased over a year ago when we moved in probably wanted to finally be together in the same room. My husband and I have already discovered that we LOVE the fact that the gray corduroy ottoman is the same size as the chair and a half. Perfect for cuddling! Not to mention that the exact moment we tried out the cuddling on the chair and a half together both kids decided that they had to snuggle in with us and we all fit on it (that's pretty amazing!).


Thanks so much for joining me today.
Happy decorating & living,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Spicing It Up in the Living Room

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. I hope you're having a good week and are going to have an awesome weekend.

Okay, this is sad and I have a problem. I spiced up the living room this week and before I even had a chance to share the changes with you, I have already changed it again. What can I say? I've had both kids back in school full-time and I've had the week off of work so I've had time on my hands to play decorating. I am not going to lie, having both kids back in school full-time has been soooo lovely. I've felt guilty how absolutely lovely it has been. I've gone for walks every day and have been trying out my new 'prayer chair' (I can't wait to share that with you). It's been heaven!

Back to decorating.....the living room.....a week ago this is what we were working with:


I decided to try out the old wicker chair arms from the eat-in kitchen in the living room and took out the small cabinet. Here's where we were earlier this week:


Then today happened. I decided to spice up the family room (which I need to share with you) and that spicing up led to this spicing up. I needed this old Pottery Barn white slipcovered sofa to go somewhere (it got kicked out of the family room)- I am waffling on Craig's Listing the old sofa or trying to find a spot for it upstairs in the bonus room. See what you think.....(don't look too closely at the slipcover on the sofa- it's time to throw it in the wash)-




I have to admit that at first I thought, 'NO WAY' about putting this large old sofa in this small room (we actually tried it in there when we moved in) but after peeking at it over the last couple of hours now I am warming up to the idea. I'm not saying that it might not still find it's way upstairs in the bonus room or find itself another home from a Craig's List friend. We'll see old're old but you're comfy.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Happy decorating & living,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Temporary Artwork

Hi friends,
Thanks for stopping by today. I wanted to share with you an idea I had for artwork for my home office. I had a hole on one portion of a wall in my home office that needed something- some type of artwork. I have my eye on a 'Cottage Rules' sign on but I didn't want to spend the money on it right now. So, instead I went up to our attic and walked around to see what inspiration I could find.

I found these two white glass cabinet doors that go to a piece in our Bonus Room that holds DVDs (we took the doors off the cabinet so that the kids could easily get to their DVDs). I thought maybe I could use the doors to display pictures:

I was also thinking that I could display postcards or special cards. Perhaps I could even make this piece into a 'vision or dream board'. The possibilities are endless and all I need to do when I tire of  the items on it are swap them out. I simply hot glued clothespins onto it to hold what I wanted to display.

I am pretty sure this piece won't stay in this space forever (nothing stays forever anywhere in my house!) but until I get something better, I think it'll do for now.

What do you think?

Thanks for joining me today. I hope you're having a great week. I need to update my BOOKS tab soon and share what I actually ended up reading this summer. How about you? What were some of your summer reads?

Happy decorating & living,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

$16 Storage is My Kinda Storage

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. This is my little friend that I picked up at the local Goodwill for $16 last week (for both pieces). Score! 

I needed a place for additional storage for my Home Office and especially for a spot for my new printer. Our old printer in my husband's home office finally died so I was the happy receiver of our new fully working printer.


After (I separated them for the space, it seems to work):

Here they are in their new home, My Home Office:

All I did to transform these $16 beauties was: (1) Apply Spray Paint Primer, (2) Apply Spray Paint- Aqua Satin, and (3) Apply Spray Paint Sealer. Done, done, done. Easy scheemzie! The two blue and green paisley fabric covered bins were recycled from our hall closet organizational system.

How observant are you? Did you notice something else new in my home office? Stop back by in a day or so and I'll explain what it is.

Thanks again for joining me today.
Happy decorating & living-