
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Hi friends,
Happy father's day to all of the daddies in your lives! I hope you're having a great weekend.

I was so blessed to be able to spend Father's Day with my dad (who visited from Virginia with my mom) and my husband.

Here I am with my dad:

Here's my honey with our two rascals (who don't look too happy, huh? what do you do?):

Are you on Pinterest? I love checking out various home decor ideas and recipes that are inspiring. I tried out 3 new recipes this weekend while my parents were visiting.

1. Easy Salsa Roll Ups
    -as a appetizer Friday night
   -very easy and tasty

2. Breakfast Bake
    -served for breakfast Saturday and Sunday
    -very good and easy to make

3. Buffalo Chicken Pot Pie
    -I went too crazy on the hot sauce, next time I won't be so heavy on the hot
    -despite the hotness, it was good

Thanks for joining me today friends. I hope you have a good end to your weekend and a great week.
Happy decorating & living,

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