
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blue Starfish

Hi friends,
How is your week going? Is it super hot like it is here in North Carolina? If so, how are you surviving? The Brew Crew is making through the heat with lots of pool time and the occasional ice cream. In fact it's almost too hot to even go to the pool. We were so spoiled by such lovely low humidity weather the last couple of weeks. Well, hello summer! And heat!

I wanted to share a peak from my home that has become a favorite of mine from my hallway to my home office. I am still really digging my DIY painted wide blue stripe curtains especially when I see them near my blue starfish pillow:

I hope summer is treating you well so far, friends. What are your plans this summer? Taking a trip to the beach? Have some new books that you're dying to read? Hoping to host or attend a barbeque? I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.
Happy decorating & living,

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