
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Signs of summer

Hi friends,
How are you doing this week? Do you have some fun plans for Memorial Day weekend? I wanted to share some signs of summer with you today that we're seeing around our house in North Carolina. The hydrangeas are in bloom, thunderstorms are likely to appear in the afternoons, and I hear frogs at night through our open bedroom windows. Brayden, my four year old, and I went for a walk this afternoon around a nearby lake and saw a black snake, a deer, many geese and two goslings, ducks, two herons, and tons of turtles. Summer is just about here. What sights and sounds are letting you know that summer is just about here where you live?

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Thanks for joining me today.

It'll probably be a little while before I get a chance to blog on here again. I'm headed on a business trip soon. But I have lots of fun decorating projects that I hope to tackle around our house soon that I'll share with you including:
-finishing up the magnetic chalkboard wall in Brayden's room
-painting big wide beautiful stripes with chalk paint on my new home office curtains
-finding some artwork for my office
-replacing the big ole' ugly ceiling fan in our bedroom with a beautiful coral chandelier
-adding some curtains to our bedroom
-spicing it up in the family room with two new pillows

Plus whatever else I can think up!

Happy decorating & living,

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