
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sneak Peek!

Hi friends,
How are you? How has your week been? It's been pretty darn hot here in North Carolina. We've needed to head to our neighborhood pool after school to cool off.

I wanted to give you a sneak peek of my new home office curtains. I started painting big blue beautiful wide stripes on one of the curtains panels today. It's still a work in progress and I have another panel to paint hopefully tomorrow (it doesn't take much time at all to do it). I am really happy how the first one turned out.

Here's the sneak peek (sorry, the photo was taken from my iphone so it's not a good picture), I promise to share good photos of both curtains painted soon:

I hope you all have a wonderful first weekend in June!!!!!
Drop me a line and let me know what you're up to.
Happy decorating & living,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Signs of summer

Hi friends,
How are you doing this week? Do you have some fun plans for Memorial Day weekend? I wanted to share some signs of summer with you today that we're seeing around our house in North Carolina. The hydrangeas are in bloom, thunderstorms are likely to appear in the afternoons, and I hear frogs at night through our open bedroom windows. Brayden, my four year old, and I went for a walk this afternoon around a nearby lake and saw a black snake, a deer, many geese and two goslings, ducks, two herons, and tons of turtles. Summer is just about here. What sights and sounds are letting you know that summer is just about here where you live?

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Thanks for joining me today.

It'll probably be a little while before I get a chance to blog on here again. I'm headed on a business trip soon. But I have lots of fun decorating projects that I hope to tackle around our house soon that I'll share with you including:
-finishing up the magnetic chalkboard wall in Brayden's room
-painting big wide beautiful stripes with chalk paint on my new home office curtains
-finding some artwork for my office
-replacing the big ole' ugly ceiling fan in our bedroom with a beautiful coral chandelier
-adding some curtains to our bedroom
-spicing it up in the family room with two new pillows

Plus whatever else I can think up!

Happy decorating & living,

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Party is Over

Hi friends,
What a great weekend! I hope you had a good weekend too. Our weather was absolutely perfect in North Carolina. Sunny, cool, and breezy. So wonderful! We spent a lot of time outside and both birthday members of my family had great birthdays! 

Our weekend highlights were: soccer practice, the neighborhood pool opened up (cold water!), I got in two awesome walk/runs outside, Steve and I got to steal away for a romantic dinner/date night, church, NC Arboretum, grandma took the kids to the playground with ice cream, and good food/ice cream birthday cake.

Here's to a good work week. Steve left last night for a business trip to England. His mom headed back to Charlotte this morning and the kids headed back to school. I am headed to my home office to prepare for some upcoming business trips I have coming up. The party is over, time to get back to reality.

I hope you have an awesome week-
Happy decorating & living,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Let the Partying Begin.....

Hi friends,
Happy weekend! Yippeee! I am so excited that the weekend is here. We have cool temperatures in the 70s and gorgeous sunny weather with a breeze in North Carolina this morning. I love living in the south! This weekend we're partying over at the Brewers. The Brew Crew has 2 birthdays to celebrate on Sunday, May 20. Daddy is turning 41 and Miss Little Bryce is turning 6 years old. Steve's mom, 'Memommy' to the kids came to help us party!

Let the Partying Begin.....


Honestly, we started partying last night. Steve grilled us a wonderful steak for a steak salad. We broke out the birthday cake. I ask you, why wait? This year was Steve's choice, Ice Cream Cake. Bless his heart, for the past 5 years he's shared an Elmo, Tinkerbelle, Dora, Scooby Doo cake and pink cupcakes. It was definitely his turn to choose!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Happy decorating & living,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tweaking THOSE Shelves

Hi friends,
How are you this week? Geez, I can't believe it's already Thursday and time for another weekend. My daughter and I traveled to Northern Virginia last weekend after soccer practice on Saturday to spend the weekend (and Mother's Day) with my parents. We had a great time. Here is my dad with Bryce, who just retired officially this week, Congratulations DAD!

This upcoming weekend we will be celebrating my daughter's 6th birthday and my husband's 41st birthday on Sunday, May 20th. It's very special to us that she was born on her dad's birthday and in his hometown near Charlotte, North Carolina when we were visiting six years ago. She was born 7 weeks early so it was a surprise to have a baby out of town. Surprise!

I've been at it again! You know I can't leave well enough alone. It's THOSE shelves again. The 3 white floating shelves in our family room that we inherited with our house when we bought it a year ago. You know I've had a time figuring out how to 'stage' accessories on those shelves.

Here's what I have going on with them now:

This little vingette is new:

I recently found the inexpensive green glass sphere at Marshalls for less than $20. I like the way it plays off of the blue glass lanterns on the top shelf and the blue glass candle holder on the middle shelf. My husband collected the driftwood from the beach and dried it out. The large shell I pulled from the bottom of the ocean on a Carribbean snorkeling adventure (shhh! don't tell!).

The rest is pretty much the same as before:

I hope everyone has a terrific Friday and weekend! I promise to post some birthday party pictures soon. Take care all.

Happy decorating & living,