
Monday, April 16, 2012

Surf's up!

Hi friends,
Surf's up for this little surfer dude!

We are currently working on redoing our little surfer dude's bedroom. This was his room a month ago. We got rid of the green paint and the car/transportation border:

This is his room now. My husband painted it the same Valspar's Shark Loop blue that is in our master bedroom.

You can't tell in the photo above but the little colorful lanterns light up- it's a great nightlight at night.

Did you notice this wall? It is currently under construction. A magnetic chalkboard is going to be added to this wall very soon:

Did you notice the disaster that happened at the train table? Maybe a hurricane or a tornado came through!

Here's a fun purchase from Craig's List that we're considering. We could prop it up in the corner of his room or maybe mount it on the wall. What do you think?

Now, of course, my daughter keeps asking us when we're going to 'spice up' her room! She's definitely my daughter! We are thinking about this decorating project for possibly this summer.

Thanks for joining me today friends. I hope you're having a super start to your week.
Happy decorating & living,

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