
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Steve and Megan do Scrub Island, BVI

Hi friends,
So now the secret locale of where Steve and I have been the last week is out. Scrub Island in the British Virgin Islands. Our day started in North Carolina with us getting up about 3:30am to make our 6:00am flight to Washington, DC Dulles Airport. From there we flew to San Juan, Puerto Rico- not a bad flight at all, took about 3 1/2 hours- just enough time to eat, watch a movie, and read. Then, we had to wait 4 HOURS for our flight to Tortola. 4 HOURS waiting in the airport in San Juan. We passed that time by playing cards and eating again. Finally, we boarded the plane for a very short flight to Tortola where we had a 3 minute cab ride to the dock and our resort's ferry picked up us. We had enough time on the dock to get a drink. Ah! After 12 hours traveling, a much needed drink.

Here we are waiting for the ferry to take us to our resort on Scrub Island.

Here I am on the ferry. The ride from Tortola to Scrub Island on the boat is just about 10 minutes.

Then, we got to Scrub Island where they meet you at the dock with a drink. Another ah!!!! As we checked in (now remember, we are using Marriott Rewards Points so this is already a sweet deal for us!), we learn that they've upgraded us from a king bedroom to a suite (complete with larger, much larger balcony with a 180 degree view of the islands, a beautifully appointed kitchen, living room, two bathrooms, living room, washer/dryer (I love that part!), and of course the bedroom. Steve was in shock!

Thanks for joining me friends. Stop back by in a day or so and I'll share what activities we did on the island.

Happy decorating & living,


  1. OMG! Lovely...was this just for fun, birthday, anniversary?


  2. Hi Barb,
    It feels so sinful to share...this was a 'just because' trip. We wanted to get away and use up my husband's Marriott's points. I called it 'Honeymoon #2'. I told my 4 and 6 year old that maybe next time we'll take them with us. We'll see about that......
    Hope you're having a great time in my old neck of the woods.
