
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Multi-purpose Pieces

Hi friends,
Thank you for joining me today. How was your weekend? What did you do?

We had a quiet weekend at home. Both of our kids started soccer with a rough start- the older one telling us at home how much she didn't want to go to soccer, in fact she was crying (she IS quite the drama queen). I tried to appeal to her by sharing with her that her dad was the assistant coach and that we HAD to go, fully knowing that once she tried it, she'd enjoy it. And alas, mom was right, but it was painful for a while. Mom does know best (well, at least this time)!

Here is our little dude who was the youngest in his group by 1-2 years but yet he kept up with the 'big boys' the whole time! We were proud!

Here was our tough cookie but by the end of the soccer class with the addition of a snack and juice was converted:

Okay, that's enough family stuff, thank you for letting me share. I guess I'm a soccer mom now, huh?

Today I am thinking about how much I LOVE pieces of furniture which can have multiple purposes. Pieces which you can move from room to room to room. You know that I love to spice it up. A room never stays static in our house. I am always wanting to spice up our home- that inspires me throughout my life- to change my home space rejuvenates me. Are you like me? Or do you prefer to set your rooms up like you like, and then leave it that way?

Here's one of my favorite multi-purpose pieces:

1. A beautiful bench-

Here's a bench from our house that has been in our:
-dining room
-living room
-screened-in porch

I think that fits the bill for multi-purposeful furniture!

How much do we love benches? They can be moved from room to room to room.
Do you have a bench in your home? If so, what rooms has it been in?
If not, would you like a bench? Where are you considering putting it?
Do you have a piece of furniture that you love that you have moved from room to room to room? If so, what is it?

I am still in search of a beautiful bench for our bedroom. Still looking.....

Happy decorating & living,

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