
Monday, February 13, 2012

Wire baskets

Hi friends,
How was your weekend? What did you do? It was cold and windy here so we did a lot of indoor activities. The highlight of our weekend was definitely my husband returning home from a month away on business. This was the first time that he was gone on weekends as well as during the week due to the fact that he was on a military ship and couln't get off. Let me tell you, weekends with an almost 4 year old and almost 6 year old as a single parent can be longggg. Thank goodness for neighborhood children, ballet class, and crafts to get us busy. But, all is well in the Brewer world now. Balance has been restored.

Daddy came home early just in time to take his daugher to the Daddy/Daughter Dance:

Let's talk decorating. I purchased this interesting piece last October for my husband for our anniversary. He likes rustic, kind of Tuscan pieces and I thought this piece would speak to him. I've had fun trying it out if different places in our home:

I am really starting to appreciate wire baskets. Maybe it's the contrast they add to a room. They add a texture that most of my rooms don't have. Here are some interesting wire baskets that I found online. I love how they serve different uses and are repurposed in a variety of ways:

Here's to a great week! Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy decorating & living,

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