
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spicing up boy's room: Temporary

Hi friends,
I hope you had a great weekend! Did you watch the Superbowl? How did you spend your weekend?

You might have seen my post last weekend about spicing up my daughter's bedroom. Well, we were at it again and spiced up my son's room too. And we didn't spend a penny! I do want to redecorate my son's room in the next year. We inherited this boy's room when we bought our house less than a year ago. Here's what it looked like as a blank slate:

Though I certainly appreciate the "boy room" it isn't really working for me. But we've been busy working and decorating other rooms in our house so his house has been "on hold" for the time being. We did decide to spice it up with some fun colorful lantern lights that we had stored in attic. C'mon on in and take a peek:

Here's my little man who is almost 4 years old:

Here are some inspiration rooms that I may pull from when we do redecorate my little guy's bedroom. I am thinking of a magnetic chalkboard focal wall and keeping a surfing/sailing theme:

Happy decorating & living,

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