
Monday, February 20, 2012

Rule #2

Hi friends,
Happy President's Day! Do you have the day off? I think we have a sweet deal over here at the Brewer house, our kids have school (learning is important, after all, right?) and Steve and I have the day off. Nice! It did snow a teeny tiny amount last night so one child gets a two hour delay.

Thanks for joining me today. Yesterday I started sharing my 4 Rules of Decorating. I wrote about Rule #1: Only having pieces that you love. If something isn't working for you or you don't love it, return it, sell it, give it to a friend, or donate it to Goodwill. Your home should be a place filled with pieces that you truly love and that bring you happiness and joy. No stress allowed for settling for pieces.

Here were my 4 Rules for Decorating:

1. Only have pieces that you love.
2. Live with your new ideas for a while and see how they feel before making a decision to change it.

3. Enjoy what you have and love.
4. Spice it up!

I wanted to share more about Rule #2 today:
Live with your new ideas for a while and see how they feel before making a decision to keep it or change it.

Decorating is an organic art. Let's be honest, a lot of decorating is trial and error. Having a idea, being inspired by a decorating show or a picture that I put in my Idea Book that I like. Then I try out that idea and see how it goes. I've made many, many, many mistakes in decorating. But, really, who cares? At least, I am trying new ideas out. There's nothing quite like the feeling of trying out a new paint color or furniture arrangement and finding that it really works and brings me joy and peace. I am a person who LOVES living in a space that inspires me and allows me to feel passionate and rejuvenated. I realize that some people like to find one furniture arrangement or paint color that works for them and they keep it forever. That's not me. I like to be inspired by my home. Often times though, it does take a couple of days for me to decide on what's working and what's not working.

A perfect example of this are these three floating white shelves that we inherited from the sellers of our home last April. It has taken me months and months and months to find an arrangement of accessories for these shevles that makes me happy. I'm happy to report that I'm finally happy (at least for the time being):

In the beginning, it was pretty sad....

For Christmas, I had to have a little fun:

And finally, (which translates for me "for the time being"):

New piece of coral added to the collection:

Rule #1 definitely crept in here too- I love love love these beach prints. One was a wedding gift from Steve's cousin and his family and the other two were from his parents when they lived at the beach. Both North Carolina artists.

Thanks again for stopping by today friends. I'll share details about my last two rules this week. Take care all. I hope you have a great week.

Happy decorating & living,


  1. Enjoy your day with your husband. Hope you enjoy the snow. Don't send it our way!!! Love these posts. I will email you soon. Have a date kids...hurrah!!!!

  2. Thanks Barb! I ended up going for a solo run around a lake. It was chilly but the sun was shining and I was breathing so I am grateful. I hope you are enjoying your day and having a great week!
