
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Painted Furniture

Hi friends,
How is your week going? I hear that there is the possiblility of snow in Virginia on Wednesday. Here where I am working in South Carolina it's going to be in the mid 60s today. I definitely need to get out and go for a long walk outside when I am finished with my coaching in schools.

I have been thinking about how much I love painted furniture. How about you? Isn't it fun to find a cheap piece of furniture with great lines at a Goodwill store, Salvation Army store, or some other thrift like store and give it a rebirth with a fresh coat of fun glossy paint.

Here are some of my painted furniture pieces:

I am feeling the desire to repaint a piece. Hmm.....need to get home and see what fun I can have.
Happy decorating & living,


  1. I love all you stuff! very insiring! Just finished my first piece in a long time, now I got the bug bad. Yesterday my husband drove me 3 hours to pick up a ginormous desk for my next project!

  2. Good luck with your painted furniture projects! It's fun, isn't it?
    Take care.

  3. I love your projects, so inspirational. I'm more of a writer and don't have a whole lot of patience for making things but you'll be happy to know I signed up for a couple of crafting classes. I anticipate having a lot of fun if nothing else.

  4. Hi there, I live in Miami. Does any body know where can I find furniture like the ones on the pictures?...I mean same style.
