
Monday, January 30, 2012

Valentine's Day in our house

Hi friends,
Yep, we're getting ready for Valentine's Day in our house. Class Valentines have been purchased and are beginning to be addressed to the classmates. Barbie cards with lollipops for Bryce's classmates and Toy Story with bookmarks for Brayden's classmates. We've been doing a little Valentine's crafts in our household as well:

Have you seen these Tabletopics cards? They're so much fun! We pull 1 or 2 out during dinner and take turns asking the questions. They're great for dinner parties. You can learn a lot of interesting stuff about people from asking the questions.

Happy decorating & living,


  1. Please tell Bryce and Brayden that their Valentine artwork is smashing. Nicely done. Looks so festive!!! So spot on for the occassion. I really think you have future design artists in the future. Bravo kids...proud to see you having a part in decorating the house. Keep up the good work.

    Happy Valentine Day soon.


  2. I've never been one to celebrate Valentine's Day. In past relationships, I didn't need to be totally swept off my feet, and in the 10 years my husband and I have been married, I think we've celebrated once. To me, it's a bit of a hallmark holiday that tends to make some people feel sad, and I just couldn't get into all of the sappiness. That is, until I had kids.
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