
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Inspiration 1: Glass

Hi friends,
Happy New Year! Did you have a nice new year's celebration? How did you welcome in the new year? Do you make new year's resolutions? I do. My new year's resolution is the exact same, year after year after year. I guess it's something that I continue to work on. B-A-L-A-N-C-E   Family, friends, creativity, work, exercise, know the drill.

I also have some new year's decorating inspirations. Today's blog is about glass. Now that my kids are a tad bit older, I think I can invest in some beautiful glass and hope that it doesn't get broken.  I am really interested in large pieces of glass. I think I'm done with small pieces.

Here are some interesting glass jars and vessels:

Here are some rooms that incorporate glass:

What about you? Do you like glass? Where does one find glass? The hunt begins.
Happy decorating & living,