
Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Dream Home

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. I have been away traveling to South Carolina working with some amazing educators. It's good to be home though with my family. I have to brag about my husband for a minute. He took a week off while I was away to be Mr. Mom. He: took care of our kids (they went to the movies, museums, playgrounds), cleaned the entire house from top to bottom, did all of the laundry, spiced up our living room by rearranging furniture, painted our master bathroom a very pretty gray/blue, and had dinner with a glass of wine waiting for me when I arrived home! I may have waited until I was 35 years old to meet him, but it was worth the wait! Please Lord, don't ever let me take that amazing man for granted! What a blessing!

Today I felt like dreaming. I pulled out my Idea Book and dreamed about my 'Dream Home'. It is a dream of mine, someday, to build a home. I dream of having the opportunity to chose all of the finishings (floors, materials, paint colors, light fixtures, etc.) for our home. I know it would be a lot of work and I know that no home is ever perfect but oh, how I would love this opportunity. I'm going to dream a little bit....

Here's what the front of our house might look like (notice, for me, it's all about the porch):

Here are some inspiration rooms for my dream home:

Some inspiration accessories:

Some inspiration fabrics (oh, how I love blue and green):

It's good to be back with you friends.
Happy decorating & living,


  1. And when you move in....can I come visit you and your dream house? I want a grand tour!!So "dreamy"!

    What a great hubby...I have one like him too. When they do all that...I think they appreciate you more.

    We have lived in 5 houses...Richmond, VA., Greeley, Co., Missoula, Mt., Bangor, Me. , and now Dover, NH. We built 3 houses. And our marriage survived all 3. Lots of work but so fun!!!

    Enjoy you weekend. Loved the post today. Glad you are back in the saddle.

    Go Broncos. Go Patriots. I am so torn. May the best team win.


  2. Thnaks Barb! I do hope we have the opportunity to build our dream house someday. Maybe that will be our last home. Who knows?
    I purchased The Autobigraphy of Mrs. Tom Thumb on my kindle and can't wait to start reading it as soon as I finish The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Thanks for the recommendation!
    Hope you're having a great weekend-

  3. Many people have been getting their inspirations from Pinterest, you might want to check it out. I'm sure you can find some inspirational photos for your dream house there too. Someday, you can get to build your dream house with all your dream furniture in it. But the most important part of that dream house, is of course, the family who lives in it.

  4. Hi Levi-
    I love Pinterest! It's such a great site to receive inspiration from. I completely agree with you, the most important part of the dream home is, of course, the family relationships and connections.
    Hope you are well,

  5. Hi Megan! Based on those inspirations above, I can say that you have a penchant for coastal-themed colors. Well, it’s not surprising, because the colors are quite relaxing and cool to the eyes. They would look amazing on living rooms or sunrooms. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

    John Lambert @ Cape Coral Lots

  6. Those houses look great! And it’s gonna be amazing if you get to own one of them in the future! Anyway, I like your taste when it comes to choosing a color scheme. The teal color looks very refreshing, and can be a good color choice for the bedroom. What do you think?

    Lois Becker @ Finlay-Brewer
