
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hi friends,
How is your week going? What is the weather like where you are? Here in North Carolina it has been rainy and cold the last week but today it's in the 60s and sunny. Oh sun, how I love you! It's getting me in the mood for spring. Spring has got to be my favorite season. I love the rebirth of life. I love having the windows open with the cool breezes. I love love love flowers! We moved into our house last April and I believe we missed the tullips and dogwoods here. I do remember roses gallore in my new neighborhood. I can't wait to see what flowers spring brings in my yard and neighborhood.

Maybe some Dalias:

Maybe some Peonies:

How about some Tullips:

Easter makes me think of Orchids:

How much do I love Hydrageas? Big gorgeous bouquets of blue and purple:

What's your favorite springtime flower?
Happy decorating & living,

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