
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spicing it up in the living room!

Hi friends,
Ever since I added these two old (found in the attic, purchased from Target years ago) pictures in our living room now every time I walk by and see these pictures, I am not pleased. There was a reason that these two pictures were in the attic. I think they're going to Goodwill this week. If something doesn't work for you anymore, let it work for someone else. Good-bye sepia flowers:

I stole these two large tins from our bedroom and am trying them out in the this space now. So far, so good:

My husband likes to spice it up too! While I was away on a business trip in January he flip flopped the white sofa and the two gingham chairs with buffet. I like this new arrangement too. Thanks honey!

Now I need to go see what else I can spice up!
Happy decorating & living,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Valentine's Day in our house

Hi friends,
Yep, we're getting ready for Valentine's Day in our house. Class Valentines have been purchased and are beginning to be addressed to the classmates. Barbie cards with lollipops for Bryce's classmates and Toy Story with bookmarks for Brayden's classmates. We've been doing a little Valentine's crafts in our household as well:

Have you seen these Tabletopics cards? They're so much fun! We pull 1 or 2 out during dinner and take turns asking the questions. They're great for dinner parties. You can learn a lot of interesting stuff about people from asking the questions.

Happy decorating & living,

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Keepin' it real!

Hi friends,
You know how obsessed I am with pillows. I have honestly never been really happy with the pillow situation in our family room. Well, I picked up two new blue and green (my favorite color combination) paisley pillows recently with a gift card for our family room. The pillow situation is improving in there. It's not quite there, but it's getting closer.

Here are the new pillows:

Here is how the rest of the family room is looking these days:

Here is what I've tried in the past with the pillow situation:

Christmas time-

Here is what is happening in the room while I'm happily snapping away. I'm keepin' it real here:

Yes, pajamas are still on, cartoons are on, and Legos are everywhere!

Happy decorating & living,