
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas in our Family Room

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. I hope this blog finds you enjoying the Christmas season. On my last blog entry I shared how our living room is decorated for the holidays and promised you that I'd share how our family room is decorated.

This is the room where we watch tv/movies and play games (which are hidden in the large gray corduroy ottoman). Sorry that some of the pictures are dark- it's because our ceiling is painted- it absorbs light instead of reflecting it.

More of my cross-stitch pillows that I did back in the day:

I bet a lot of you have these same stockings from Pottery Barn. We have one of each of the four of us plus grandma and our dog and cat.

The only good pictures of my kids sitting on Santa's lap (they were both under a year old). They wouldn't have anything to do with the big guy after that. Of course, they DO want him to visit our house while they're sleeping Christmas Eve.

Holidays DVDs that only come out at this time of year:

Kitchen decorations:

Did you notice that the door to the screened-in porch was open in these pictures? Yes, friends, it's 70 degrees in North Carolina. Yes, I love living in the south~

Merry Christmas and the best of 2012 to you friends! Thanks for joining me today.
Happy decorating & living-

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