
Friday, November 11, 2011

A Rug for Christmas

Hi friends,
Can you believe that the holidays are quickly approaching? You know how much I love decorating and rethinking how our rooms are working for us so it won't probably surprise you to know what's on my Christmas Wish List (decorating items!).

I got my main big present early this year but there's a reason why. We just picked up this beautiful blue and tan rug from Pottery Barn for our Living Room. This is the room where we will put up our Christmas tree after Thanksgiving. With the cold hard wood floors I knew we wouldn't want to hang out in here. Now with the addition of this warm rug I can't wait to decorate for the holidays and put our tree in here.

This is the first room you see when you enter our home. It's a small room but perfect for our Christmas tree.

At first we purchased a 5 X 8 rug for this room but once we brought it home and placed it in the room, we quickly realized the scale was off and it was too small. I want to be able to sit on the rug on the floor and the 5 X 8 barely had enough rom to do that. So we quickly called the store and asked if the next largest size, 8 X 10, was in their stock room. It was. So back to Pottery Barn we went. I am much happier with this larger version.

Still need to find some type of artwork to place above these chairs.

This round basket will have a special purpose over the holidays that I will reveal in a post after Thanksgiving. What do you think it will be used for?

My honey, Steve, will put this chandelier on a dimmer which will be perfect for the holidays.

Well, that's it for today friends. Stop back by the week after Thanksgiving and I'll post some new photos of this room with the Christmas tree in it. Some of the furniture in the room will need to go into the attic for the holidays to allow for room in here for the tree.

Happy decorating & living,


  1. This rooms is gorgeous! I would love to have a proper look round your looks like it could be my (only in my dreams) dream home!!

  2. Thanks for the comment Send Balloons. You are inpsiring me to do a tab on my blog called Tour My House. I'll start working on it soon.
    Take care- Megan
