
Saturday, November 26, 2011

IKEA Black Friday Happiness!

Hi friends,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday filled with yummy food and good times with family & friends. We certainly did. We traveled to my husband's family for my first Pineville Thanksgiving with about 40 people. It was very different from my family's very quiet traditional Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant. I loved it!

Another first for me was actually going to a store on Black Friday. I have to admit that I have never ever ever had an interest in being around tons of crazied people while shopping. I like my shopping peaceful and relaxing.

But....when my mother-in-law offered to watch the kids (they were so happy helping her decorate her Christmas tree on Friday morning) my husband and I jumped at the opportunity to get out kid-free for a few minutes. It was actually sad how quickly we responded with a "yes, we can do a little shopping" and were out of the house 10 minutes later.

We remembered that there was an Ikea in Charlotte, NC. We don't have one back home in Raleigh, NC. We actually got to Ikea before they opened at 10am. The store was very quiet.

I had been wanting to replace my home office (supposed to be our dining room) ceiling light with an Ikea light since last summer. Lately, I was super bummed to see that this particular light was no longer featured on their website. I was super sad walking around the store to see that this light was also no longer on display in their staged rooms.

But, guess what we found near the check out, discounted 60%? Three of those lights. I couldn't believe my eyes! I quickly inspected one and gently tossed it into our cart.

My home office with chandelier that was in the house when we purchased it last April (too ornate for my casual office):

This summer I replaced my home office light with a Pottery Barn light that I was trying to reuse from our old house in Virginia. As soon as we put it up we realized the scale was completely off. It was too small for the space. (Still trying to think where I can reuse this light in our new home.....)

My new light that hopefully my helpful and handy honey will put up for me SOON:

We also purchased two other items (one having to do with jewerly and the other will also be added to my home office) that I will share soon with you.

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. Hopefully I will be able to share my new home office light with you soon. Take care friends.

Happy decorating & living-


  1. You are so lucky!!! 60% off the lamp you love. Can't wait to see it.

    We drove by IKEA in NJ on our way home from Falls Church but decided not to stop. Dog in tow, and no room in the car for goods. I will go another time. Wish ours was not 2 1/2 hours away.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving holiday Barb! I hope you had a wonderful time in Falls Church.
    Take care. Here's to a good week-

  3. New post needed. Is the new light installed yet? Pictures, please. How about a holiday house tour. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la....


  4. Another great book you simply must read.

    State of Wonder by Ann Patchett.

    It is a 10!!!


  5. Hi Barb,
    Totally agree that new post is needed! :) Handy husband just put up new light one hour ago. Pictures will be posted soon I promise. I also love your idea of a holiday house tour- I will do that too. I have to caution though that with a 5 and a 3 year old, most of our decorating is very kid centered. But I will share. :)
    Take care friend.

  6. Barb,
    I completely agree! I read State of Wonder this summer and loved it! It was my first book by that author.
    Happy reading-
